The best Lib ad in the coming election will be to profile Elon’s endorsement.

Pollievre… the #Billionaire’sChoice

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He intentionally wants the hate vote. If there's a low voter turnout and he achieves 30% of the eligible voters that's all he'll need to win. Doug Ford did it and so did rump.

Rump only recieved 31% of the eligible votes.

In some areas republicqn senators won by as few as 4 or 500 votes..

There were bomb threats in over 50 democrat strongholds.

This created chaos, disruption and long delays for voters.

They will do anything to win in any country!!!

Let's not forget that the cpc are election fraud experts. They were found guilty of federal election fraud four times!! Harper is Mike Roman's boss and they stole 2 US elections through fraud. Two Russian oligarchs , one of whom is Putins top advisors are openly talking about how rump and felonia couldn't have won again without their help.

They are stealing our democracies.

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I think you are right (well the part about Harper is 100%). We don’t have the voter registration issues the US has though, and lots of opportunities to vote early or by mail.

If Poillievre is painted as cozying up to Trump (and with Musk’s enthusiastic endorsement) that is not going to play well on the Canadian political scene. Nothing unites Canadians like being “not American”…

Turnout is always the biggest issue, and there will need to be a clearly articulated progressive platform based on “made in Canada” values to motivate voters to vote FOR something.

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You sir are absolutely correct. I pray to God that our fellow citizens are as intelligent and informed as u are. My fellow Canadians, Poilievre is a donald minnie me and will sell us out in a heart beat. Do not vote for this man, he presents a serious danger to our way of life in Canada.

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Yep, on all counts.

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I think Pierre Putin Polieviere is as smarrmy as the self righteous truckers he cow towed to. Worse then Harper, probably. Unfortunately we will find out.

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Honestly, the first word that comes to mind when Pierre Poilievre speaks is shifty. I have absolutely no doubt that he would fuck up Canada the way Trump and Musk are doing in the states. I would say the Canadian electorate is smart enough to see through Poilievre and the Conservatives but then I remember what happened in the US this past November. Too many people are listening to right-wing idiots.

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My worry too.

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This is the most encouraging thing I've read in days.

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A great intro for Pierre to the average right wing American but a really mixed reception in Canada especially now he's going to have to deal with Trump and MAGA as the next prime minister.

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Poilievre is a sick Trimp supporting bastard and as evil. Canada will NOT give this hypocrite a majority government.

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I hope you're right but a huge percentage of people don't think beyond "I don't like this government and I want a new one." They rarely make it to the next step which is "Okay who will be the replacement and what will they be like?"

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To a person, every one of my female friends and relatives, relate that Pollievre either makes their flesh crawl or he’s got the perfect face to slap. This visceral reaction certainly informs my dislike - after all, he’s a Harper era attack chihuahua abrasively non-stop yapping “No”. Great in Opposition. Beyond light in leadership. If Canadians hold their noses and pull the lever, he’s a one term wonder who’ll get torn to shreds in a leadership review in 3 years.

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I thought a key Conservative strategy was to distance themselves from Trump but they might want to distance themselves from Trump's circle a little better.

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🤣🤣🤣 They are far more connected than most people know.

How does Harper, Ford , Cooper, Poilievre explain their numerous trips to NYC, Washington(when rump was in power) and Maralago?

How does Cooper explain their presence in Washington Dec of 2020 to the "stop the steal" planning sessions with Don Jr and his gf Kim G, who was a top campaign advisor to Dumpty? 🤔

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That connection that u mention is one of the things that bothers me the most. We regular citizens are never told truthfully what goes on behind closed doors. Dangerous times on planet earth.

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Can't doesn't need to suffer the same case of ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION that they did down South. Say NO to a PP in PARLIAMENT!

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I do believe Canadians are smart enough to see PP for what he is, a whiner and an empty barrel, no depth. Especially now , what is he going to say? He is between a rock and s hard place. No back bone.

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We must not forget the liberals brought in a real nazi into parliament to honor infront of the Ukrainian president

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“Support from Musk and Peterson is about as helpful as the endorsement from the KKK.”

Where is the data to back that up? It sounds like you’re suggesting that similar numbers of Canadians trust the KKK as trust Jordan Peterson/Elon Musk. Do I have that right?

“Probably Conservative strategists thought that was a win”

“Yet Poilievre strategists thought it was a win”

How do you know Poilievre’s strategists considered Musk’s support a win? Which strategists are you referring to?

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Sounds as ridiculous something Rachel Gilmore would say. She of the failed Kamal a cheering squad.

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"data shows"? this is a bunch of left-wing bilge disguised - poorly - as some kind of "data analysis." No matter what you call it, it's a bunch of crap frankly.

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I am so thankful that we have Trudeau at the help through this crisis. If it were Poilievre we would all be working for Trump by now.

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Peterson drank the kool -aid some where along the line. Pity. Back in the day he was clear and I enjoyed his insight S. But now he has clearly lost his train of thought (s) but all is not lost, he has a new friend in Kevin O’Leary. Oh sorry, that is just awful tooooooo

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