Actually, Jagmeet and his NDP team have accomplished more to make life better for ordinary Canadians than at any time since David Lewis in the 1970s. It's an impressive list: Denticare, Pharamacare, Childcare, anti-scab legislation, and vastly improved help for workers and small business during covid-19 and more. Now, predictably, the Liberals are talking like they want to abandon progressive politics and move to the right. That's not how we beat Poilievre. This is a great opportunity for the NDP to focus on the nonsense of Conservative games-playing with no real solutions on offer, and promises of cuts (which they say in code when they promise to get spending under control).
Defeatism does lead to defeat. Good thing there's nothing inevitable about it. These are turbulent times and anything is possible. Remember that 40% choose not to vote. Everything could change if they are inspired and activated.
I was in the Liberal corridors when the backroom kids first proposed pushing JT towards the first chair. Rationale: charm, good looks and the old man’s name. The rank and file dutifully fell in line, most duped to the end. I thought he was a joke then; a whole bag full of laughs now. At least PET had intelligence and vision; JT proved to be myopically dumb.
I largely agree with this article and particularly bemoan the loss of Jody Wilson-Raybould in the political arena. She stood up to the powers-that-be and suffered a consequence she did not deserve. She is a true Canadian heroine. What this article does ignore, however, is Trudeau's excessive spending. The country is running huge annual deficits and has a sky-high national debt totaling $1.5 trillion USD. We are ill prepared to deal with any potential excise taxes imposed by Trump, and Canadians remain embarrassed by our failure to meet the 2% of GDP commitment on military expenses to NATO.
Singh helped us, and yes, for anyone who lived through 9+ years of the last Conservative government, Trudeau helped us too. It's all in where you are coming from, aka perspective - people born before me don't know anything about what I know. I don't expect them to - but I would ask only that they do some research, read a bit of history at the very least.
What a load of crap. No one is going to judge the Liberal's tenure outside of the apres pandemic fallout. This is evident world wide - all incumbents during the pandemic have fallen since.
Wee babs have no history, their judgement is now now now.
Thank our lucky stars they weren't around 80 years ago, god bless the wee dotes.
It is hard to imagine that anyone who thinks denticare, etc are Trudeau's great achievements would trust Singh's NDP with their vote, after Singh cynically kept Trudeau in power for years, while pretending to criticize him.
Also difficult to imagine that after years of grotesque, wasteful, debt fuelled overspending by Trudeau and his enabler Singh, anyone with any numeracy would recoil at the idea that spending in many areas will need to be reduced, in order to forestall huge tax increases that could impoverish people and drive investment away.
Trudeau and Singh are leaving us with a massive fiscal hangover, which is going to require some cost cutting and new approaches to revenue. That shouldn't be news to anyone.
Nope, it's the Conservative Sirens singing the same old song. The same that left us in debt with nothing to show for it in the lives of real life Canadians last time around.
PP is singing the same old song. He's Harper 2.0 - lived the original, don't want the same shit all over again.
It's time for Singh to follow suit... the NDP will never win a national election with him as "leader"... it should have been Charlie Angus. Ultimately, I would like to see the LPC and NDP find common ground and merge and quit splitting the vote... I'm sick of feeling threatened by whatever leftover election fraud Harpercrite clown is representing the CONs each election cycle. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with PP as they have already gone through all of the "more" charismatic players.
I love Charlie Angus, plain speaking Canadian. NDP and Liberal should merge, we need both combined because the majority of the country - is both combined.
Actually, Jagmeet and his NDP team have accomplished more to make life better for ordinary Canadians than at any time since David Lewis in the 1970s. It's an impressive list: Denticare, Pharamacare, Childcare, anti-scab legislation, and vastly improved help for workers and small business during covid-19 and more. Now, predictably, the Liberals are talking like they want to abandon progressive politics and move to the right. That's not how we beat Poilievre. This is a great opportunity for the NDP to focus on the nonsense of Conservative games-playing with no real solutions on offer, and promises of cuts (which they say in code when they promise to get spending under control).
I'd still take Trudeau over Poilievre. At least the NDP could force him to do some good for Canadians--all of which Poilievre will try to dismantle.
Too bad all the people who like the policies Singh forced Trudeau to support won't vote NDP.
Defeatism does lead to defeat. Good thing there's nothing inevitable about it. These are turbulent times and anything is possible. Remember that 40% choose not to vote. Everything could change if they are inspired and activated.
Thank you.
I was in the Liberal corridors when the backroom kids first proposed pushing JT towards the first chair. Rationale: charm, good looks and the old man’s name. The rank and file dutifully fell in line, most duped to the end. I thought he was a joke then; a whole bag full of laughs now. At least PET had intelligence and vision; JT proved to be myopically dumb.
I largely agree with this article and particularly bemoan the loss of Jody Wilson-Raybould in the political arena. She stood up to the powers-that-be and suffered a consequence she did not deserve. She is a true Canadian heroine. What this article does ignore, however, is Trudeau's excessive spending. The country is running huge annual deficits and has a sky-high national debt totaling $1.5 trillion USD. We are ill prepared to deal with any potential excise taxes imposed by Trump, and Canadians remain embarrassed by our failure to meet the 2% of GDP commitment on military expenses to NATO.
Child poverty cut in half under the Trudeau Liberals doesn’t feel like stalling to me.
Singh helped us, and yes, for anyone who lived through 9+ years of the last Conservative government, Trudeau helped us too. It's all in where you are coming from, aka perspective - people born before me don't know anything about what I know. I don't expect them to - but I would ask only that they do some research, read a bit of history at the very least.
What a load of crap. No one is going to judge the Liberal's tenure outside of the apres pandemic fallout. This is evident world wide - all incumbents during the pandemic have fallen since.
Wee babs have no history, their judgement is now now now.
Thank our lucky stars they weren't around 80 years ago, god bless the wee dotes.
It is hard to imagine that anyone who thinks denticare, etc are Trudeau's great achievements would trust Singh's NDP with their vote, after Singh cynically kept Trudeau in power for years, while pretending to criticize him.
Also difficult to imagine that after years of grotesque, wasteful, debt fuelled overspending by Trudeau and his enabler Singh, anyone with any numeracy would recoil at the idea that spending in many areas will need to be reduced, in order to forestall huge tax increases that could impoverish people and drive investment away.
Trudeau and Singh are leaving us with a massive fiscal hangover, which is going to require some cost cutting and new approaches to revenue. That shouldn't be news to anyone.
Nope, it's the Conservative Sirens singing the same old song. The same that left us in debt with nothing to show for it in the lives of real life Canadians last time around.
PP is singing the same old song. He's Harper 2.0 - lived the original, don't want the same shit all over again.
It's time for Singh to follow suit... the NDP will never win a national election with him as "leader"... it should have been Charlie Angus. Ultimately, I would like to see the LPC and NDP find common ground and merge and quit splitting the vote... I'm sick of feeling threatened by whatever leftover election fraud Harpercrite clown is representing the CONs each election cycle. They are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with PP as they have already gone through all of the "more" charismatic players.
I love Charlie Angus, plain speaking Canadian. NDP and Liberal should merge, we need both combined because the majority of the country - is both combined.
But - I never want to see a 2 party system such as in the USA here.
So perhaps - no merge. Let them cooperate when they can and as they did in this recent government.
Congratulations to 🇨🇦. May you get back on track as soon as possible.